Mission Kits
Border Interdiction Kit

Illicit flows of illegal weapons, drugs and other contraband is a persistent challenge for border security agencies throughout the world. Wolf Pack provides a variety of useful search tools within its integrated system architecture that can increase the safety and effectiveness of contraband searches in any weather, on land and at sea.
Kit Components
Upgrade Your System
LINK14 Wireless Transmission Kit
LINK14 kits (LINK9 and LINK24 also available) provide everything needed to create a 2-way wireless video capability and are an easy way to expand the capability of a basic tactical kit or sniper-observer kit. LINK14 kits are based on SuperMesh+ (L-Band), the advanced tactical network architecture fully integrated with Wolf Pack. LINK14 kits can be expanded at any time to create increasingly comprehensive tactical mesh network capabilities as needs and budgets dictate.