Intelligent Power Module

The PB3d Intelligent Power Module has been designed to address the realities of many field operations. Standard rechargeable Li-Ion radio batteries provide extremely high-power density leading to long operating times of up to 20 hours. As with all components in the Wolf Pack system, the PB3d is fully interchangeable in any weather condition, on land and at sea.
Compatible with AN/PRC-148 (MBITR) and AN/PRC-152 (Harris Falcon III) radio batteries.
Uninterruptable power supply mode when connected to AC power or solar cell.
Field interchangeable in any weather conditions.
Trans-reflective LCD display provides high-resolution charge condition in 1% increments.
Serial control interface for remote runtime monitoring and battery configuration.

Battery Cells Type Supported
Operating Time
Charge Display
Li-Ion rechargeable AN/PRC-148 and AN/PRC-152
Up to 12 hours @21C (system configuration dependent)
Trans-reflective LCD in 1% increments

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